
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Loving Well

"The more we love others, the less we will love our sin." - Billy Graham

A friend of mine was impacted by a scenario she read in a book.  

The scenario was...if you died and went to heaven and were presented with this question,

"How well did you love?" 

How would you answer that question?

The scenario struck a cord with me as well.  Defensively, I could rattle off numerous ways I've loved my husband, made loving sacrifices for my children, reached out to friends and neighbors with compassion. But on the other hand my thoughts reveal countless moments when anger and frustration got ahold of me, times when I allowed judgement to override kindness, when my pride was the source of offense, and my actions were self-seeking. 

I've loved, but have I loved well?  The adverb certainly transforms the meaning of the sentence. Yes, I fall short...really short, but I don't feel shame nor beat up about it.  In fact, I feel encouraged in this challenge because I know God is a loving and merciful God, who is parenting me to be the best "me" I can be.  Just like I discipline and instruct my girls, I do it because I love them and want them to be vital contributors in the world.  Make a difference.  Have influence.  Change the world. Isn't that exactly what God wants for us?

I also find freedom in this scenario of heaven.  That in the midst of a crazy-busy schedule my ultimate strategy and focus is simply to love well today.  One task.  No matter the circumstance.  No one else to seek approval from. No other expectations to live up to. Don't have to prove myself. It sets me free from what I pile on myself to accomplish in a day, and I'm able to set others free from my expectations and approval as well.  

1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love. But perfect loves drives out fear."

If we examine the times we fall short, I believe most of our actions and attitudes of sin stem from our own fears and insecurities.  So as we practice loving WELL, we also drive out the fear that keeps us in a love relationship with sin. 

Break up with sin today by loving well!

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