
Saturday, May 13, 2017

Be The Miracle

"When you don't get a miracle, 
you can be a miracle to someone else."
- Nick Vujicic

Nick prayed for arms and legs.  It's a simple request to God, and Nick knows a miracle such as this would not be too difficult for the Creator who spoke the world into existence   He even described to us last weekend in Nampa, Idaho how amazing it would be if God would grant him the miracle of arms and legs while he was speaking on stage to us. Wouldn't that be incredible?  Wouldn't that type of miracle explode all over the news & social media? We would see with our very own eyes the power of God, and people would then believe. It seems like a no-brainer to us.  

But God doesn't always work the way we think He should. And at times it's hard to understand why because our wishes and requests seem so right to us.  If God is a good God then why wouldn't He grant us these good pleas for a miracle?

Why wouldn't He want to give Nick a whole body? These are the situations that can bring about doubt, discouragement, confusion, and even bitterness.  But I did not see that in Nick even when he has every right in our eyes to ask "Why me?" and to believe life is unfair.

In 2010, I watched thousands of people in Arequipa, Peru gather to hear Nick speak about his faith and life with God.  Because of his story and his words, people's lives were transformed. They found hope. They found the strength to keep going. They found healing from spiritual and emotional bondage. They found Truth, purpose, and a Loving Father they never knew.  

Nick's life could have been wasted with self-pity and bitterness and anger when life did not turn out as expected. But instead the "handicap" he was born with has become the very thing God has used to draw people unto Himself and change the lives of others in miraculous ways.  

Nick hasn't received his miracle, but he has experienced first hand the miracle workings of God through him. He has become the miracle to someone else; in fact, to countless amounts of people. 

"Each time he said, "My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness. So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ can work through me. That's why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ.  For when I am weak, then I am strong."
2 Corinthians 12:9-11 (NLT)

When life throws us a curve ball, we have a choice. Do we focus on what's seemingly unfair or find God's strength in our weakness?  Do we hang on to doubt or can we grasp ahold of a steady, trustworthy, and loving Father, who can work through all things? Or as my mother-in-law would ask, "Are we going to let this make us bitter or better."

Nick said it succinctly, "I don't need to know God's plan for my life, I just need to know He has one."  Rest assured, God has one for you, and it's probably bigger than the miracle you are asking for.  In fact, the miracle is right in front of you, looking back at you in the mirror each morning...that miracle is you!

When you don't get the miracle you want, be the miracle others are praying for.

Thanks, Nick, for sharing your life with us and being a miracle to so many others!

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