
Thursday, May 4, 2017

How About That Analogy

"Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.  I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."

Matthew 11:29-30. (Message)

I was in charge of having something to say.  

We were gathering women together who have poured their lives into ministry and supported husbands in church leadership. Their roles are unique, and even after I found myself in the same position, I still cannot explain the complexity of the role they live out each day. But because I've been in their shoes, I now understand.

With great empathy. 

I wanted these women to know they were not alone.  That they had a place to be themselves, a safe place to share, laugh, and have fun. My desire was for them to leave inspired.

What do I say?  I wrestled with ideas and words that just wouldn't be penned (pun intended). These women were giving up their Saturday to come, and some were driving quite the distance.  I felt the pressure...and then in frustration, I dropped to my knees and began to plead God with the only words I could form:

"I've got nothin', God."  
"You're gonna have to give me something."

I didn't even have words to pray.  So I sat in silence.

I heard the door to my bedroom open and footsteps walk across the room.  I felt the presence of my youngest kneel down beside me and place her arm around my shoulders. She didn't say a word...and then God gently spoke:

"How about that analogy?" 

I smiled and took in the moment of my 11 year old doing what came naturally to her. 

"Unless you become like little children..." (Matthew 18:3)

Her actions spoke volumes to me. Her presence did more for my spirit than words ever could. I didn't need an eloquent speech or a creative activity to lead the group.  Our gathering itself created the space in our schedule to come along side, be present, and put our arms around one another - the unforced rhythm of grace.  No words necessary.  

God doesn't lay "heavy" on us; we lay it on ourselves. I force things; He enters gently and naturally. I often complicate things in this life while Jesus simplifies the things of this world.

How about that analogy? Is there someone in your life, who simply needs a friend's presence today? No need to perform or say the right words, just live freely by keeping them company as Jesus does for us in our times of need.

He says, "Watch how I do it." 
And sometimes his modeling is displayed through our very own children. 

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