
Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Theme of a Fern, Dr. Seuss, & King of Pops

It's been fun to capture some SIMPLE in my life. God keeps whispering His presence in the ordinary, and it always makes me smile. In fact, inside it feels like my heart smiles too. Can I share some simpleness with you?  It may mean very little to you, but for me there something simply grand in it.

I've started buying the two day old already deemed "not good enough" flowers on clearance for just a few bucks at Kroger to decorate my living room with some yellow sunshine. You should see how these orphan flowers open up and bloom with a little love and attention and bring a touch of brightness to my day! Simple, right?

Writing in Audra's ENO with the sounds of the forest around me. Even though my house is 18 steps away, in the ENO it feels like I'm in another world where imagination takes over.

A new hanging FERN. Again it's simple, but makes a splash in my sunroom.  And my daughter Austyn would say, "I know, right?!!!"

A new friend that let me read my daughters' favorite Dr. Seuss book, "Oh The Thinks You Can Think." This is after being at Revel's house for five minutes. He sure knows how to love.

Celebrating a new baby brother just on Sunday and his mom's birthday today with King of Pops popsicles at Inman Park in Atlanta. Best ever!!!

Life is so much more fun treasuring these small and simple moments. I've decided to start a new list in my gratitude journal. My last list was "One Thousand Gifts" from Ann Voskamp's book, but now this one will be themed "Simple Living".  A list of those simple moments that do something inside me.

It's hard to explain, to put words to it, but this week while reading Psalm 22, God gave me words in verse twenty-five that made sense to me.  David writes in his psalm:

"From You comes the theme of my praise."

That's it!  It's life, ordinary life, turned into praise. An earthly moment transferred into a heavenly connection. The natural result of capturing these simple moments is a heart full of praise.

Not praise to me. These ordinary moments don't tell me what a great life I have. They don't prove anything about me. They aren't moments to brag about. This simple living theme comes from God in this season of life I'm in, and it simply describes my praise to Him. 

It's how my soul honors Him. It's a soul thing, and that's why I struggle to find words to explain how simple times captured brings such joy within. 

Would you like to join me in this quest to bring back the SIMPLE into our lives by creating a "Simple Living" list along with me.  It doesn't seem like much, small really, but it can make a huge impact on your day. Get in tune with what makes you smile. What catches your eye in the ordinary. What stops you in your tracks. Take it in a bit longer than usual and give your soul time to praise!

I'd love to hear some of the simple moments you've captured or the theme God has given you. Share them below in the comments or email me.  Can't wait!

Lettuce Wraps can wait one more week!

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