
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

It Started With A Walk

I felt like a walk. 

Cooper, my terrier mix, looked bored and I just needed to clear my mind and focus on outdoor stuff. My youngest invited herself along. Knowing she still enjoys being with me, makes me cherish her enthusiasm for a simple walk.

We pick up fallen branches, not to move aside or pick up the roadside, but they spark an idea for mom.  We pile them up so we can get them on our way back.  

We like to walk down to a little lake in a neighboring subdivision. Walk on the rocks, spot turtles and feed ducks in the water. 

As soon as I get away from the house that holds many responsibilities and technology devices that distract me, simple moments instantly present themselves.

Beauty reveals itself.....
I think Cooper was even capturing some tasty simple moments as the ducks swam by....

We picked up our branches on the way home, and I started putting them around the front porch.

This may sound funny, but it was so energizing to bring a new look and personality to my porch. This then led me to climb up in the attic and pull out some fall decorations.  The anticipation of fall and the coming holiday seasons made me childlike. 

My grandma Lucille would change the color of her decorations for each season. Yes, each season had a color. Decorations of all sorts were stored away in every closet of her small house on Pine Street. For fall, the decorations were mainly orange. I'd help grandma put away all the knick knacks, candles, plastic flowers of pink summer and then display the browns and oranges of fall. I loved helping grandma redress her house. 

As I opened up the box with just a few decorations of my own orange, the excitement as a girl all came back, ready to unwrap the items stored a year ago.

I pulled out the pumpkin I bought last year and hung it up along with my branches in front of the window we had replaced from this house & given a new function. I didn't even read the words on the pumpkin until I took a picture of it. I didn't even realize THE word was there....

It's a subtle word. Not bold or fancy. Easily missed. Hidden within the beauty and sparkle of others. But it is there, and it now captures my eye.

I didn't plan on redecorating my porch today. It definitely was not on my to-do list during a very busy week. But a walk led to branches...which led to letting go of distractions...and opened up creativity...and producing a life-filling project for me. Every time I walk out of my house, it's a reminder of God's simple blessings in the simple moments and to give thanks!

It's easy to list moments I want to cherish, but what about the things I want to change?
Will they make my Simple Living list? 

This week I realized they can.... if I look at the other side of those things I want to change. To look at uncertainty as adventure, loneliness as a time to draw near to God, brokenness as a way to healing and transformation, tight budget as a challenge to find simple ways to have fun, unexpected circumstances as opportunities for God to show up, and fear...a path to find the courage within. 

Emily Freeman writes in her latest book Simply Tuesday,

 "What if your big break is you becoming acquainted with the suffering and brokenness of Jesus?"

Not the big break I'm looking for, but I get it. 

The Psalms have become my friends so much that I think I could write my own. My cries to the only One who understands the complexity of my thoughts and emotions. It's an avenue to pour myself out, knowing He understands and can handle the absurd things in my soul. 

This morning I read Psalms 13:14-15,
"I trust in you, O Lord; you are my God. My TIMES are in your hands." 

While I'm holding on, He is holding on to me. When times feel heavy, the strength of his Hands keep me afloat. 

So I'm going to keep going back to King of Pops and trying new flavors...

I'm going to remember what needs to be remembered even though it's painful at times...

I'm going to cherish the touch of a loved one's hand on my lap and forgive the hurt I wish had not happened and would change if I could.

AND celebrate the SIMPLE moments that penetrate the soul, bringing life, and making His presence known...

You never know where a walk will lead you.  Perhaps into a new season dressed in orange and simple.

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