
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Why A Daughter Needs A Dad

I could just post a hundred different photos that would explain why a daughter needs a dad, and I just might...because a picture is worth a thousand words, right?

Here's the deal: without a dad, I wouldn't have learned what it means to be neighborly...
(Few words needed to be neighborly; just be friendly and willing to stop what you're doing to say hello and kick around a little dirt)

Without a dad, how would I have known how to drive a tractor?
(always as far as you could go)

 And not just drive one, but compete with one in a tractor pull...
(Dad coaching me along the way!)

Without my dad, I wouldn't have known how to decorate the backyard...

and receive very important training for life...

Or knowing the importance of always having a toothpick handy. 

How to call the cows in from the pasture - "Se-boss, Se-boss".  

How to be gracious when your daughter plans a scavenger hunt for your birthday and you find a duck key holder thingamabob she so carefully picked out for you...
(Dad's overwhelming excitement; notice toothpick)

My dad taught me to be myself, that it is okay to be quiet, to just listen...that's the best way to care about people.  Everyone has a story worth listening to. Watching my dad interact with people was really my first counseling observations...priceless education.

Without Dad, I wouldn't have my love for motorcycles and wide open spaces...

I would have missed out on your tears the moment you met your first grandchild...
(I know you were circling the hospital waiting for our call!)

As well as an appreciation for the past and those who have gone before us and the importance of leaving a legacy...

A Daughter needs a Dad to teach her how to mow the lawn....BUT then finish off a good day's work by grabbing a popsicle out of the freezer in the garage, lay down on the freshly cut grass and watch the sun go down over the horizon, painting a breath-taking setting to complete the day...

A Daughter's need for her Dad is never-ending, whether she is young or all grown up. But lastly as Garth Brooks would sing, without my dad, "I'd have had missed the dance."

Thanks for the DANCE, Dad!

Thanks for being there for me every step of the way.  No words were ever needed....just having you there was all I needed.  The way you live your life speaks volumes to me about what a father is. It's no surprise how easy it was for me to embrace my Heavenly Father at a young age because you were a reflection of Him. Thank you for being my hero, my dad, and a man I can always look up to.  I love you.  

Happy Father's Day, Dad!

Sweet Pea

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