
Friday, May 8, 2015

She Is The One!

She is the one who taught me how to ride a horse, love animals, plant a garden, stack firewood, and cook hamburger helper. She is the one who encouraged me to put flowers in the fair (yes, flowers), to join 4-H, to try a perm, and always give it one more shot. 

(brother Adam, my mom Judy, Me, and our horse Chico)

She is the one who put vapor rub on my neck to help me stop coughing at night. She's the one who bought orange creme popsicles for those hot summer days. She's the one who took "hours" to make my hair lovely so that I would be presentable in public as the "beautician's daughter." 

She is the one who often times lead the charge and made things happen. She's the one who didn't let a little thing called "hard work" stop her from doing what she had in mind. She worked harder than any of us.  We didn't know it then, but now being a mom myself, I understand.

She's the one who tempted me to read God's word by leaving her Bible open on the kitchen table to a parable by Jesus that would teach me a valuable lesson about greed.  Subtle, eh? Once she was gone, I snuck a peak!

She is the one who has modeled to me a lifelong commitment to her husband.

She is the one who has passed down a heritage of faith and service she received 
from her mother and her grandmother! 

(Me, my grandma Lucille, my mom Judy, my great grandma Estel)

Even though life has had some twists and turns and challenges, deep down she is still that young girl...that young lady...with dreams, goals, and ambitions.  

She is the one who is the center....
the heart of our family. 

(yes, that is a refrigerator on the front porch of my grandmother's house;
 it stored my grandpa's night crawlers)

She is the one we love!
Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
Hope this Mother's Day is a special one!

Your Daughter
(the one you influenced greatly)

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