
Thursday, April 30, 2015

My New Favorite Breakfast

It's been awhile since I posted a nutritious food today is the day!

It's confession time!  I have not been eating well lately.  Busyness, bridal showers, traveling, and simply teens in my house have all invited me to enjoy the variety of yummy flavors breads, sweets, and salty snacks bring to my palate.  (Thank you, Rafael, for the cheesecake last night!)

So this morning I was reminded of my new favorite breakfast I found on a blog - Lil' Luna who also found this recipe from another blogger, The View From In Here.

From one blogger to another and another, I wanted to share with you a fabulous breakfast idea or even for a quick "breakfast dinner" called

Avocado Bacon & Eggs

I've tweaked the recipe just a little bit to include ingredients I use to make it a little bit healthier for my family.


1 Medium Avocado
2 Organic Eggs
1 Cooked Turkey Bacon (cut in pieces)
1 TB of Kerrygold Ireland Cheese (Costco)
Pinch of Himalayan Salt (Costco)


1. Preheat oven to 425.
2. Cut avocado in half and remove pit.
3. With a spoon, scoop out just a little bit of the avocado to make room for the egg. Place avocado in a muffin pan to keep avocado stable while cooking.
4. Crack your egg and add it to the inside of your avocado.  Sprinkle with cheese on top.  A pinch of salt and top with cooked bacon.
(If you like a non-runny egg, break the yolk - that would be me!)
5. Cook for 15 minutes and ENJOY!

It's a great start to a new day the Lord has made, giving you the protein and good fats and energy you need to make the most of your day and accomplish all those things on your mind.

I even conducted a taste test.....on my In-Laws when they were in town. Two thumbs up!  I even got my father-in-law to try my brussel sprouts recipe - He liked it! He liked it!

So enjoy all those family memories that are shared simply by gathering around the foods we make.   I think that's why God made meals!

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