
Friday, March 25, 2016

The Key of Hope

My daughter was given a gift before we moved back to Idaho. Her close friend gave her a necklace with a key on it, and on that key was engraved a word. Her friend specifically chose this word for my daughter, knowing she would have to say good-bye to all her Georgia friends and move 2500 miles away. This wise friend understood my daughter would be entering into a new world, interacting with new faces, and walk down foreign halls of a new high school. It would be strange, uncomfortable, awkward, and scary in the midst of unknowns.

The word was HOPE. It wasn’t “courage” or “strength”, but simply put…HOPE.

Leaving Georgia was a very difficult transition for my fourteen year old. After finishing her first high school finals and saying good-bye to all her close friends, she climbed in the car with tears streaming down her cheeks and said, “I can’t do this.”  

It feels that way sometimes.

It reminds me of seasons. Spring is here, and winter has said good-bye to its friends. The weather changes, the flowers begin to bloom, and the yards produce new colors.  For me spring brings about new life, new starts, and a renewed hope.

Yet moving from one season to another may be a difficult journey for some. It may be a season a divorced young mom was not quite expecting.  A new season that leaves the house empty and quiet after the previous season brought so much activity.  Some may find the new season left behind health. The next season doesn’t always bring hope.

For some it may feel like we are stuck in a season that never ends. Winter stays longer than its welcome. Grief hangs on, and you wonder if the sorrow will ever move on. Depression pops up again unexpectedly. A mom walks to the treatment center day after day for months, praying her daughter will accept help and healing. The never ending meetings with the school to address the same issues that don’t seem to be resolved.  Another negative pregnancy test. A hopeful relationship ends again. Aging parents who need more of your time. Where will the money come from?

You wonder if this a season or just simply your life to accept.

No words would have helped my daughter feel better about the move as we drove home that day. It was hard for all of us.  I couldn’t change that, but later that day when the question of “why?” came up again, all I could say was, “We will see why someday.  God knows what He is doing.”

“Through Christ you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him,
and so your faith and hope are in God. “
1 Peter 1:21

Often times we don’t have the strength to keep going nor do we see any courage in ourselves to overcome the season we are in, BUT because we believe in who God is, we always have access to HOPE.

The NIV Bible Commentary makes this distinction: 

“Hope is not just wishful thinking; 
it’s a firm conviction, 
much like faith that is directed 
toward the future.”

I recently asked my daughter what the word HOPE meant to her now since we’ve made the transition to Idaho and have begun to settle into our new life. She answered, “The word HOPE reminds me that God is always there for me and knowing that gives me the courage to be myself in new changes and opportunities.”   

Whatever season we may be in, my prayer for us is that we will hold on to the key that unlocks our spirit in the midst of long dark seasons or ever changing ones. On it is engraved the word HOPE, given to you by your Best Friend and Heavenly Father when He raised His son from death to life.

With our hope in God we have the courage to be ourselves, the strength to carry on in whatever season we are in, and a firm conviction that God is always there for us.

This Easter weekend is the reason for our HOPE!!!

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