
Sunday, January 10, 2016

My Co-Writer

The year 2016 is here. Twelve months and a brand new journal lays before me...

 A deep breath fills my chest, and I take it in...and then out.

The year is new. It is unwritten. No words on the pages yet.  A story will be written, and it will be mine. Some parts of the story I will purposely add in and other parts will come unexpectedly.  I'm sure there will also be some details I would rather not write into my life story if I had a choice. 

What would it be like to write your own story in advance and have it come true?
Would we write the same story that God has in store for us?  

Would we write ease and comfort into our life story, assuming that would bring happiness?  Would we write a love story, absent of hurt and betrayal? 

But would we really understand love then?

Would we write an adventure story, filled with reckless abandon?  Or maybe a success story, giving ourselves that coveted job, house, and vacation time?  

But then would that be enough? 

I just started a book study with some fellow counselors. We are reading Mindset by Carol Dweck, and the one thing I grabbed from our first meeting is this: 

 ...with effort and difficulties the neurons in our brain make stronger connections 

I interpret that to say in my own words: problems and challenges in life make me smarter.  

Is that not amazing when you think about God designing our brain to grow and change when we are faced with problems?  I wonder what ease and comfort do to our brains? 

What makes a great story anyway? 

We know it's one where the character overcomes obstacles, the underdog wins, the small kid stands up to the bully, the oppressed find freedom, and conflict is finally resolved.

Is that the story we will write in the year 2016 for ourselves?  If so, the empty pages will include those things- obstacles, conflict, and battles because freedom isn't free and resolution isn't found on its own. It takes work and a lot of effort. 

Or will we be determined to write the story we THINK we need?
And how do we handle it when the story takes a turn we didn't expect and did not want?  Can we trust the Author when He takes the pen out of our hand and puts it in His? 

He writes really good stories....but they are usually about underdogs, the poor, the small, the uneducated, the sick, the oppressed, and the dying. Stories about being out-numbered. Living on faith. And an enemy always prowling.  Talk about adventure!  

Are we ready to be in one of His good stories?

Are we up for that in 2016? Are we ready for God with his amazing penmanship to write an incredible story that brings about real riches in our lives? 

Growth. Wisdom. Character. Strength. Connections.

Now don't get me wrong; I've got goals this year!  I've got things I'm wanting to leave behind in 2015. You fear, judgement, competition, and offense. Things I don't need to carry into 2016. I'm even developing a personal purpose statement I might share with you later, but the bottom line today is:  I'm a co-writer with the Author as I choose how to respond to the details in my life story.  As my mother-in-law says, I can choose to be "bitter" or "better". 

Ten days into 2016 and my story has begun, and the inevitable difficulties in life have already made stronger connections.  According to Mindset my neurons are supposedly connecting, but what I've detected is something more extraordinary.  Two pastors' wives have found strength and companionship through the discovery of similar hurts.  Best friends reunite and find their friendship is still strong when one grows weary of what life throws at her.  Conflict arises when a mother pushes her daughter to take a risk and try something new, but the result is overcoming fears and a deeper level of trust between them.

Those are worth writing down in my journal today!

"In their hearts human beings plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."  Proverbs 16:9 (TNIV)

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