
Saturday, July 23, 2016

God Helps

We just came up the bluff.

In our younger years we walked up the trail every break. But as the years have gone by, our bodies and the trail have changed with some wear and tear. We drive trucks up now.

I married into this bluff-dwelling family 19 years ago, and every summer it is a privilege to fish on this four generational family business we call "Azarel".  The name decided by Wendell & Joyce Honea many years ago when they took a huge risk and brought their three daughters up to Alaska to start a commercial fishing business.  It wasn't easy living, but the name they picked reveals their faith and their heart and their dreams. Azarel means "God helps."

He does. He has.

Wendell and Joyce knew that from the start. They knew they couldn't have done this all by themselves. Having this business carry on in the family for over 50 years was only a futuristic hope of Wendell's and today his dream exists. His great grandchildren are fishing on his beaches. God helps.

Fishing can provide income for our families, yet fishing can also be a gamble. We know that. God continues to help.

We are not a perfect family by no means. We have differing opinions. We have conflict. Feelings have been hurt. We've worked through organizational challenges. We have misunderstandings. Losses. We are a normal family, but...God helps.

I could tell you countless "God helps" here at Azarel for my family and me personally. Most of the help evidence comes in small, simple, ordinary moments while spending time together. By ordinary I mean small life happenings, but they are not normal or usual day-to-day happenings in my busy stress-filled other life the other months of the year.

I think that's why ordinary is extraordinary in Alaska.

It's not every day I get to watch my 10 year old learn how to drive a John Deere tractor.


Sisters realizing they aren't so bad and maybe even kinda important to each other. 


It's having deep heart conversations with my cousin (by marriage), who seems more like a sister. Laughing to tears with sister-in-laws over a funny story during crew meal. Painted rocks become gifts that go a long way at making someone feel special. Younger ones away from electronics, playing in the dirt and using their imaginations. Discussions I would have never had with my teenager back at home with all the hustle and bustle. Time that nurtures my marriage, working along side my husband, and then having quiet slow moments with him, sitting on the bench overlooking the bluff. We stare. We listen. We rest. We're grateful for how God has helped. 

Then we begin to dream like Wendell and Joyce.

It's on the Azarel bluff, I find myself, my marriage, my family, and my life again. Can't put a price tag on that. It's not just about fishing. Fishing is what brought us all up here on the bluff, but what keeps us coming back is so much more.

I think this is why God created families.  The mentoring that takes place when all ages work together side by side. The bond created through shared laughter and family stories. Character that is built through hard work and effort.  Away from the rush, the busy, and plugged that there is room for "God help" moments for our family still today.

Azarel is the glue that has helped us and held us together since 1961.
